2022 FEI Equestrian World Championships

2022 FEI Equestrian World Championships

Dressage and Show Jumping World Championships August 2022, Herning, Denmark

August 6 – 14, 2022, Herning, Denmark

We anticipate a 12 day program, depending on final competition schedule. There will be a 4-day pre-tour for those who wish, visiting Copenhagen and Zealand with castles, palaces and museums, including “Hamlet’s castle”, the Kronborg Slot.

Herning has been host to a number of major dressage and jumping competitions and is well suited, both with stadiums and hotel space, as a venue for the World Championships. It will be a pleasant train ride from Copenhagen to Jutland and Herning for the Championships.

I anticipate costs will be approximately $3,495 per person twin or double, $4,295 single.

Eventing & Driving World Championships September 2022, Pratoni, Italy

September 9 – 19, 2022

As the site of the 1998 World Equestrian Games and past venue for the FEI Eventing Nations Cup, Pratoni del Vivaro is a wonderful site for the 2022 Eventing and Driving World Championships.  We look forward to a return visit.

Here we plan to offer two programs – a 10 day program for the Eventing World Championships  only and a complete Eventing and Driving World Championships program.  In either case, we will be enjoying time exploring Rome, with a visit to the Colosseum and the Forum, Piazza Navona and the magnificent Pantheon.

AK42NW Three day event rider Frank Ostolt taking part in the Cross country Phase of the European Championships at Pratoni Italy. Image shot 2007. Exact date unknown.

I anticipate costs will be approximately $3,295 per person twin or double, $3,995 single.

As this will be the first time since 1986 that the various FEI World Championships have been separated, we are asking for early indications of interest so that we can prepare properly.  Your reservation, with an initial deposit of $250 will be fully refundable until 30 days after we provide our final program.  (I expect mid-summer 2020, depending of course, on the organizing committee for each program).

We look forward to 2022 and the FEI World Championships.  I do hope that you will join us.

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